“龙”的英文应该翻译成 loong

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Chinadaily(中国日报)介绍 dragon 和 loong 的区别

原标题:龙年的英文怎么说?Dragon 还是 loong?


  龙年即将到来,龙的英文如何表述却依然有争论。是用西方人一直用的 dragon,还是用近一段兴起的新词 loong?这篇专栏分析了二者的根本不同,往下读找答案吧。

We will soon enter the Year of the Dragon. Or should that be the Year of the Loong? That is a question that has been a subject for debate in China, as some say there is a difference between the two in Chinese and Western mythology.

  (我们即将进入 Dragon 年。还是应该是 Loong 年?这是一个在中国一直存在争议的问题,因为有人说这两者在中国和西方神话中是有区别的。【百度翻译,编者略有调整,下同】)

They point to dragons in the West being usually depicted as malevolent, fire-breathing creatures that hoard treasure and terrorize villages. Dragons they say are typically seen as symbols of chaos and evil, portrayed as antagonists in Western mythology and literature, and often depicted as malevolent adversaries to be vanquished by valiant heroes. These depictions hark back to the archetypal myths of the ancient Mesopotamian and Near Eastern cultures, in which dragon-like creatures, such as Tiamat in Mesopotamian mythology are forces of chaos and destruction that are confronted and ultimately defeated in a great battle.


Such symbolic resonance can be seen in the enduring appeal of dragons in Western popular culture today where they are staples of fantasy literature, films, video games, and TV shows, often embodying a mix of awe-inspiring and fearsome qualities that put them at the heart of struggles between good and evil.


In Chinese culture, loong are revered as symbols of power, excellence, and good luck, and they are often depicted as wise and kind creatures.


The loong has been a central motif in Chinese culture for thousands of years, and its origins can be traced back to early Chinese civilization through mythology, folklore and religious beliefs.


Since loong were believed to have control over natural phenomena such as rain, storms and water, and were associated with the life-giving properties of water and the fertility of the land, loong became symbols of strength and good fortune, and they became associated with balance, harmony and the natural order of the universe.


Representing auspiciousness, vitality and the power of nature, loong remain a revered and beloved symbol in Chinese society, reflecting the enduring significance of historical traditions in modern China.


The differences in perception of the mythical creatures in China and the West are rooted in their different cultural values.


Thus the answer to the question at the beginning is clear: Whether or not to use loong instead of dragon is not important. What is important is that as we enter a new lunar year people globally appreciate the cultural values embodied in such Chinese symbols as loong.

  (因此,一开始问题的答案很清楚:是否用 loong 代替 dragon 并不重要。重要的是,当我们进入农历新年时,全球人民都在欣赏龙等中国符号所体现的文化价值。)

Reporter: Zhang Zhouxiang



专题:2024 是 Loong 年

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