“龙”的英文应该翻译成 loong

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习特会之后的西方新闻媒介里的 dragon(中国的龙)



  在 bing.com 用 dragon xi China president cartoon 作为关键词,查到一幅漫画,漫画中龙和鹰在握手,然而鹰的嘴巴里伸出一只手,拿着一把匕首。龙的嘴里也伸出一只手,但是拿的是手枪,对着美国鹰。


  Xi and Trump look friendly, but anti-US feeling stirs in China(习和特朗普看起来很友善,但在中国反美情绪暗流涌动)



  China's leader, Xi Jinping, welcomed Donald Trump on the American President's first visit to Beijing like a Chinese emperor receiving a barbarian potentate, with a mixture of flattery and disdain.(中国领导人习近平欢迎美国总统特朗普第一次访问北京时,混合着奉承和鄙视,就如同一位中国皇帝在接待一个原始部落的首领。)

  Published: November 11, 2017 4:21 AM


  上图发布于 11月17日。中国龙爪子里是一张名单:List of Countries to Vanquish(必须征服的国家名单),龙大喊一声:“America First!”(美国第一!)

  这里显然利用了美国人常常高喊“美国至上!”(America First!)这个梗。




  在 bing.com 用 dragon xi China president 作为关键词,查到一些涉及 dragon 一词的新闻报道:

  Is America Preparing for Conflict with China?(美国准备与中国发生冲突吗?)

  Zhiqun Zhu January 23, 2018

  In the Washington policy and think-tank circles, there used to be two camps regarding U.S. approach towards China: the "panda-huggers" who promote engagement and friendly relations between the two powers, and the "dragon-slayers," who advocate tough handling of China through deterrence, sanctions and military confrontation. ....... Today "dragon slayers" are sharpening their knives while "panda-huggers" seem to have either been sidelined or gone hiding.(在华盛顿的政策和智库圈中,在美国对中国的态度方面,过去存在两个阵营:促进两国间交往和友好关系的“熊猫拥抱者”,以及主张强硬的“屠龙战士”——通过威慑、制裁和军事对抗来处理中国事务。……。今天“屠龙战士”正在磨刀霍霍,而“熊猫拥抱者”似乎已经被搁置或隐藏起来。)



  China's Xi Jinping Looks To Move From President To Emperor(中国的习近平看来正在从国家主席变成皇帝)

  By Brad Jackson February 28, 2018

  With an unchecked Xi Jinping in China, the Red Dragon will go on the march.(随着习近平在中国的不受控制,红龙将继续前进。)

  China Has Already Been on the March(中国已经开始这一进程了)

  Since 2013, China has begun expanding their territorial claims by building seven artificial islands in the South China Sea, putting military landing strips and other facilities on them, and seeking to control the waters and airspace of the entire area, which happens to lie in some of the most crucial shipping lanes on the entire planet.(自 2013 年以来,中国开始扩大领土主张,在南海建造了七个人工岛,在其上设置军用机场和其它设施,并试图控制整个地区的水域和领空,这里恰好是一些全球最重要的航道。)




  Trade War Thursday - Trump Takes On China(周四的贸易大战 - 特朗普攻击中国)

  Mar. 22, 2018 10:01 AM ET



  Gordon Chang Discusses President Trump's Plan to Remove the Panda Mask From The Chinese Red Dragon......(章家敦讨论特朗普总统的计划:从中国红龙身上移除熊猫面具……)

  Posted on March 23, 2018 by sundance

  Author of “The Coming Collapse of China”, Gordon Chang, discusses the effect of President Trump’s tariffs on China and the epic battle ahead. Last night China announced their feeble retaliatory actions ...... .(《中国即将崩溃》一书的作者章家敦讨论了特朗普总统提出的增加关税和即将发生的历史性的贸易战对中国的影响。 昨晚中国宣布了他们微弱的报复行动。……。)

  Fortunately Gordon Chang understands the Red Dragon, and more importantly understands Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping's geopolitical goals through economic conquest. Mr. Chang is one of the few people who appear regularly in media and know the truth behind the Panda Mask.(幸运的是,章家敦了解红龙,更重要的是了解中国国家主席习近平打算通过经济征服去实现他的地缘政治目标。章先生是少数经常出现在媒体中并了解熊猫面具背后真相的人之一。)



  Understanding The Eagle, Panda and Red Dragon......(了解鹰、熊猫和红龙……)

  March 27, 2018 ~ admin

  Each time China takes aggressive action (red dragon) China projects a panda face through silence and non-response to opinion of that action;…. and the action continues. The red dragon has a tendency to say one necessary thing publicly, while manipulating another necessary thing privately. The Art of War.(每当中国采取侵略行动(红龙),中国都会通过沉默和不回应对该行动的评论来展示熊猫的脸;……。并继续行动。红龙倾向于公开地说一件必要的事情,同时私下操纵另一件必要的事情。战争的艺术。)

  President Trump is the first U.S. President to understand how the red dragon hides behind the panda mask.(特朗普总统是第一位了解红龙如何躲在熊猫面具后面的美国总统。)

  Therefore, when you see China publicly use strong language – it indicates a level of internal disposition beyond the defined western angst. Big Panda becomes Red Dragon; there is no mid-status or evolutionary phase.(因此,当你看到中国公开使用强硬的语言时,它表明了超出西方焦虑的内部处置水平。大熊猫变成了红龙;没有中间状态或渐变阶段。……。)

  President Trump will not back down from his position; the U.S. holds all of the leverage and the issue must be addressed. President Trump has waiting three decades for this moment. This President and his team are entirely prepared for this.(特朗普总统不会退缩,美国拥有所有的杠杆作用,必须解决这个问题。特朗普总统现在已经等了三十年。这位总统和他的团队为此做好了充分的准备。)

  We are finally confronting the geopolitical Red Dragon, China!(我们终于要和地缘政治红龙 —— 中国 —— 正面较量了!)



  当然,还有一些其它新闻报道只是用 dragon(龙)来象征中国,没有贬义。





  上图发布于 2018年4月4日。特朗普手里拿的纸上写的是“Tariff War”(关税战)。中国龙刚才对他喷了一口火,把他烧焦了半面。他无可奈何地说了一句“Winning.”(我还是赢了)。


  这张图里特朗普被中国龙刚才喷的火几乎完全烧焦了,但是他仍然自我感觉良好:Winning! 图中特朗普手里的纸上写着 Tariffs(关税)。

Star, Opinion, Editorial Cartoon
Greg Perry: China-U.S. trade war
Sun., April 8, 2018






  9月24日,Trump's Trade War with China(特朗普和中国的贸易战)。




(黄佶,2018-4-19 整理,10-27 补充)

  10月20日这一期 The Economist(经济学人)杂志的封面。龙头的脸是一只鹰。封面上的文字的意思是:中国对美国 —— 一场危险的对抗,


(黄佶,2018-10-30 补充)



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